About Us

Since 1965, the Houston Jewish chaplaincy Program has served thousands of Jewish patients, their families and caregivers who come to the Texas Medical Center (TMC) from all over the world.

Originally, the program's services were provided by volunteers and the program was coordinated by the Jewish Federation of Greater Houston. Due to changes in patient needs and an increase in the number of patients at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, the program has been expanded and reorganized.

The program is professionally staffed by a Jewish Family Service chaplain and clinically trained volunteers who make daily hospital visits. The Houston Jewish Chaplaincy Program is recognized by they TMC as the official provider of comprehensive services addressing the spiritual needs of Jewish patients.

Our purpose is to provide emotional and spiritual support to those in need by providing comfort and encouragement during a time of stress, change or crisis.

By upholding the Jewish tradition of bikkur cholim, visiting the sick, we hope to shorten the distance between a patient and complete healing.

Jewish Family Services Houston Jewish Federation

Support for the Jewish chaplaincy Program has also been given by The Maurice Amado Foundation

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