Social services for Jewish Nazi victims have been supported by a grant from the Conference on Jewish Material ClaimsAgainst Germany
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Name Contact Information
Relationship Name Relationship Contact Information
I understand that all work performed by volunteers of Jewish Family Services with clients/donors or with their information is of a highly confidential nature and shall not be shared.
I understand and agree that in the performance of my duties as a volunteer of Jewish Family Service, I must hold client information in confidence. This includes names, descriptions and other identifying information, or even the fact that a person is receiving services at Jewish Family Service.
If I receive a request to provide or share information related to a client/donor, I will contact the staff supervisor of my project or the Volunteer Coordinator. I understand that disclosure of any client/donor's confidential information without appropriate permission and consent may result in corrective action or termination.
Volunteer contact information will be used for newsletters and other communications and volunteers understand that should they wish to opt out of newsletters they may do so my clicking "unsubscribe" at the bottom of the newsletter. (NOTE: This action will remove you from future volunteer communications that are sent out via our public email system.)
I have read and understand the confidentiality and consent agreement.
I agree to allow my likeness to be shared in organizational branding which includes photography, videography, social media, website and more.
I do not wish to allow my likeness to be shared in organizational branding which includes photography, videography, social media, website and more. If approached for such action, I will be responsible for stepping away from any photographs being taken and will ask for any quotes to be anonymous or will refuse interviews.